
Week commencing  12 January 2025

Please remember the following members of our fellowship: Patsy’s study group; Jenny P, Sue S, Chantelle, Doreen, Suzy S, Devenia, Dave S.

Prayer points for this week

Sun      Rev Simon Taylor leading worship at South Street. Fairtrade stall after the service.

Mon    Members of the Church meeting at 3pm - for wise decisions

Tues    Liz Bulkeley as she starts a new teaching assignment in Nepal

Wed    Students, teachers & Uni Chaplains at the start of a new term

Thurs   Los Angeles area evacuating away from uncontrolled wildfires

Fri        Carers looking after loved ones at home - for support & rest

Sat       All victims of child abuse and trafficking in the UK & elsewhere

Sun      Rev Peter Woolway leading our service at South Street and Communion at Brampford Speke at 3pm.


Eco Corner:The six biggest banks in the US have all quit the global banking industry’s net zero target-setting group, with the imminent inauguration of Donald Trump as president expected to bring political backlash against climate action.’ Guardian 8/1/25 Liz

Many congratulation to Alice and Ross on the birth last Monday 6th of Arlo – a healthy 8lb 6ozs! We send them our love and welcome to him.

Vacancy for a volunteer! The Eco Corner team, Mary, Ross & Liz will welcome offers to write two or three sentences, times four on an Eco - or wildlife theme for two or three months in the year. Apply to Liz!

Church Members’ meeting Monday 13th January at 3pm Palace Gate Centre. Simon will chair. Apologies to Liz V please.


Toilet twinning: Mary has collected £77 for twinning another of our Centre toilets – thank you! £60 pays for one, so we have the start of another… further donations very welcome.


For your new diary: The Homelessness Sunday Service will be on Sunday 26th January at 4pm in St Petrock’s Church, Exeter High Street. Refreshments afterwards. Led this year by Exeter Network Church including prayers for homeless people in Exeter who have died.


Welcome back to Rechal and Nid and congratulations after your marriage in India!

Here are several options for giving to help pay for the church’s ministry:

·         Donations by standing order to CAF Bank Ltd, account number can be provided

·         One-off gifts:

Online to CAF Bank Ltd, 

           cheque payable to South Street Baptist Church, or

           cash donations in the Offertory Basket, or

           with a mobile phone, using a QR code.

·      You can also support the church via the Giving Page of the church's website

If you are eligible for the Gift Aid Scheme, please make this clear to us, so that the church can claim the relevant 25% tax rebate.

We thank everyone very warmly for the contributions to this year’s Thank Offering. £6013.75 was given (including Gift Aid) toward the repair of the roof, and £1337.50 for the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Pakistan following the floods there.

The church is extremely grateful for any and all donations towards its running costs, and also for donations to its community hub - the Palace Gate Centre.                  Peter – Treasurer