
Week commencing Sunday 14 July

This week please remember the following members of the fellowship:       Doreen S, Suzy, Devenia, Dave S, Caroline & Garry S, Simon & Patsy

                                    Prayer points for this week

Sun      Rev Andrew Sails, retired Methodist Minister, formerly of the Mint Church Exeter, leading our worship at South Street.

Mon    Our new government & opposition & all MPs: for integrity & trust

Tues    Kate as she prepares to return to work in West Africa

Wed    Those with caring responsibilities: for encouragement & support

Thurs   Those for whom work is stressful & unrewarding

Fri        USA politicians & voters facing decisions in November’s election

Sat      Families & children as the school term ends next week

Sun      Revds Ross Maynard as he leads our service at South St & Peter Woolway leading Communion at Brampford Speke.


Eco Corner: Devon Wildlife Trust have many interesting events over the summer: in Broadclyst on Thursday 18th July there’s a guided tree identification walk from 10 am –12 pm at Station Road Country Park Broadclyst, part of Saving Devon’s treescapes. More coming up across Devon at Events | Devon Wildlife Trust  Thousands of new saplings are being grown & people invited to contribute to their Ash archive – poems, drawings or photos welcome. You can sign up to their emails for news.


During July please bring tinned meat, fish or vegetables which are most needed for Exeter Food bank. This is a special one-off request.


Please see Roger today to sponsor him for his bike ride for Force Cancer support. He completed 60 miles and could have done more!


Correction: Please note: monthly prayers for healing will be on the last Tuesday of each month now at 10.00 am before Dove Café, NOT the first Tuesday. Apologies. Please see the corrected July diary.

Please don’t forget donations towards Kate’s gift. Please put this in an envelope marked ‘Kate gift’ and place in the offertory basket on Sunday.

Here are several options for giving to help pay for the church’s ministry:

·         Donations by standing order to CAF Bank Ltd, account number can be provided

·         One-off gifts:

Online to CAF Bank Ltd, 

           cheque payable to South Street Baptist Church, or

           cash donations in the Offertory Basket, or

           with a mobile phone, using a QR code.

·      You can also support the church via the Giving Page of the church's website

If you are eligible for the Gift Aid Scheme, please make this clear to us, so that the church can claim the relevant 25% tax rebate.

We thank everyone very warmly for the contributions to this year’s Thank Offering. £6013.75 was given (including Gift Aid) toward the repair of the roof, and £1337.50 for the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Pakistan following the floods there.

The church is extremely grateful for any and all donations towards its running costs, and also for donations to its community hub - the Palace Gate Centre.                  Peter – Treasurer