
Week commencing Sunday 1 September

This week please remember the following members & friends of the fellowship:  Susan B, Janet & David, Ed & Wendy, Liz C, Mary C, Graeme, Paul D, Ann D.       


Prayer points for this week

Sun      Rev Ross Maynard leading our communion service at South Street & the 3pm service at Brampford Speke. Open Table 6.30

Mon    Barbara Perkins’ family as her funeral is livestreamed at 3.30 pm

Tues    Dove Café returns with a Fairtrade stall. For staff and customers

Wed    Andrea & Mark & Bardai suffering severe flooding in their area

Thurs   Liz B as Bangladesh continues in turmoil: for peaceful transition

Fri        The staff of the Palace Gate Centre & the work of the PGCMC

Sat      New thinking for our work towards a silver Eco Church award

Sun      Rev Simon Taylor leading the service at South Street


Eco Corner: Saving the planet starts small. Could you buy something from a charity shop this week? That will save the production costs of a new item and probably save some transport costs too. Mary

Rev Peter Woolway’s day off will be Thursday 5th September & Quiet Communion will be on Friday 6th at noon.

Items for next week’s service sheet to Liz before Monday 2nd please as she is away from 3rd-6th September. Urgent items to Simon after that.

Next Church Members’ Meeting: Monday 16th September at 3pmnote change of date.

The next Fellowship meal will be on Tuesday 10th September 7pm at Palace Gate for 7.15. See David B or Graeme for details.

Evening of Magic at South Steet Baptist Church. Saturday 21st September 7pm for 7.30. £5 (cash only on the door) but children free! Presented by Christian Magicians (the minister of Mutley Baptist church Nick Lear!) Bring family & friends! Proceeds to Palace Gate Centre.

Fairtrade Devon & SW 30th Anniversary: Saturday 14th September !0 – 3.30. Free including lunch. St David’s Community Centre. RSVP to book: Donations requested.

Drs Andrea & Mark arrive back in London this week & start visits to churches from 22nd September. They come to Dove Café on Tuesday 8th October. If you would like to receive their newsletters, please ask Mary.

Here are several options for giving to help pay for the church’s ministry:

·         Donations by standing order to CAF Bank Ltd, account number can be provided

·         One-off gifts:

Online to CAF Bank Ltd, 

           cheque payable to South Street Baptist Church, or

           cash donations in the Offertory Basket, or

           with a mobile phone, using a QR code.

·      You can also support the church via the Giving Page of the church's website

If you are eligible for the Gift Aid Scheme, please make this clear to us, so that the church can claim the relevant 25% tax rebate.

We thank everyone very warmly for the contributions to this year’s Thank Offering. £6013.75 was given (including Gift Aid) toward the repair of the roof, and £1337.50 for the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Pakistan following the floods there.

The church is extremely grateful for any and all donations towards its running costs, and also for donations to its community hub - the Palace Gate Centre.                  Peter – Treasurer