
Week commencing Sunday 13 October

This week please remember the following members & friends of the fellowship: Glenys, Jean & Rob, Jenny P, Sue S, Chantelle, Doreen, Suzy S, Devenia, Dave S

Prayer points for this week

Sun      Revds Ross Maynard & Rev Professor Adrian Thatcher leading South Street’s service. Fairtrade stall following.

Mon    Church Members’ meeting with election of a Deacon

Tues    Those in Florida & elsewhere affected by Hurricane Milton

Wed    Space with YMCA. Pray for the young people & staff taking part

Thurs   The future of Ukraine as a summit in Germany is postponed

Fri        Those in poverty in the UK, young & old, for justice & care

Sat       Gaza, Lebanon, & Iran – for change towards a peaceful future      

Sun      Revds Simon Taylor leading Worship at South Street & Ross Maynard leading Worship with Communion at Brampford Speke

There will NOT be a Fairtrade stall today as Mary is unable to be here due a fall.

Eco Corner: Dartmoor: A Radical Landscape is a new exhibition at RAMM “exploring Dartmoor’s evocative landscape through photography, film and Land Art from 1969 to 2024. It demonstrates Dartmoor’s attraction to artists who explore current issues including the interconnected ecological and climate crises and access rights.”(£6 adults, children free.) Details on the website. Liz


Church members’ meeting Monday 14th October at 7.30. Deacons’ election. One nomination has been received - for Jo Ingham - and we will vote by secret ballot. Also on the agenda: What practical ways we can be ‘one church of diverse gatherings’.


Date for your Diary: Church Anniversary 3rd November. We will celebrate many years of worship here & welcome the Lord Mayor, Cllr Kevin Mitchell to share this with us. We will commit ourselves to moving forward together as ‘One Church of Diverse gatherings’. You will also be invited to give, as you are able, to the annual Thank Offering & will soon receive a letter about this either by email or a letter in the vestibule.


Church Directory 2025. We will soon be compiling this list of those in our Fellowship and Friends elsewhere, who wish their contact details to be included. Only those listed in the Directory have copies, as entries are subject to privacy under data protection law. Please let Liz V know if any of your details have changed as soon as possible, so it can be prepared in time to be printed for the new year. Thank you. Liz & Mary


Here are several options for giving to help pay for the church’s ministry:

·         Donations by standing order to CAF Bank Ltd, account number can be provided

·         One-off gifts:

Online to CAF Bank Ltd, 

           cheque payable to South Street Baptist Church, or

           cash donations in the Offertory Basket, or

           with a mobile phone, using a QR code.

·      You can also support the church via the Giving Page of the church's website

If you are eligible for the Gift Aid Scheme, please make this clear to us, so that the church can claim the relevant 25% tax rebate.

We thank everyone very warmly for the contributions to this year’s Thank Offering. £6013.75 was given (including Gift Aid) toward the repair of the roof, and £1337.50 for the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Pakistan following the floods there.

The church is extremely grateful for any and all donations towards its running costs, and also for donations to its community hub - the Palace Gate Centre.                  Peter – Treasurer