
Week commencing   9 February

Please remember the following members & friends of our fellowship:    Mark & Andrea, Teplong & family, Steve J, Jacqui & Rev Derek, Peter K, Joy K.                      


Prayer points for this week

Sun      Rev Simon Taylor leading our service at South Street. FairTrade stall after the service. 

Mon    Church Members’ meeting: pray for active involvement

Tues    For the future of Gaza & occupied West Bank people

Wed    All recently affected by tragic deaths of children & young people

Thurs   Elizabeth B adjusting to new surroundings & challenges in Nepal

Fri        Those meeting for Bible study with Peter W at Palace Gate today

Sat       Women prisoners lacking basic care & few visits from children

Sun      Rev Ross Maynard leading our service at South St. Rev Simon Taylor leading worship at Brampford Speke 3pm. Communion.


Eco Corner: Positive News for February 2: Recycling gold: The Royal Mint plans to retrieve gold from electronic circuit boards and turn it into jewellery, to the extent of 450kg a year. (Mary from Positive News)

Monday: Church Members’ meeting: 10rd February 7.30 pm. Please send apologies to Liz Vizard, Secretary if you are unable to attend.         Zoom codes if you can’t attend in person: :  Meeting ID: 884 9738 2483  Passcode: 876183

For your diary: Lent Groups this year start in March Three Central Exeter Churches: St James’, St Michael’s & The Mint Methodist are offering groups. Topics: George Herbert with Canon Tony Dickinson at S James, afternoons; the Confessions of St Augustine with Oliver Nicolson at S Michaels, evenings; The Mint, on Zoom evenings with Stephen Lea, topic tbc Contact him on Please see the list after the service.

Commitment Service Sunday 23rd March. A chance for all our various gatherings & groups to meet, share what they have been doing and to commit ourselves to our work together as a church family.

Hope in a Messed-up World: Last talk of three: 25th March: 7.30 coffee for 7.45 – 9 at Pinhoe Rd Baptist Church Exeter The bible and the Israel -Palestine conflict. with Revd Dr Helen Paynter. Highly recommended! Just turn up. It does finish on time!

Here are several options for giving to help pay for the church’s ministry:

·         Donations by standing order to CAF Bank Ltd, account number can be provided

·         One-off gifts:

Online to CAF Bank Ltd, 

           cheque payable to South Street Baptist Church, or

           cash donations in the Offertory Basket, or

           with a mobile phone, using a QR code.

·      You can also support the church via the Giving Page of the church's website

If you are eligible for the Gift Aid Scheme, please make this clear to us, so that the church can claim the relevant 25% tax rebate.

We thank everyone very warmly for the contributions to this year’s Thank Offering. £6013.75 was given (including Gift Aid) toward the repair of the roof, and £1337.50 for the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Pakistan following the floods there.

The church is extremely grateful for any and all donations towards its running costs, and also for donations to its community hub - the Palace Gate Centre.                  Peter – Treasurer